Test kits,SO3, sulfite no dan. goods

Test kits,SO3, sulfite no dan. goods
SKU: 9.920 900
Delivery date: 14 Business Days
€111.82 incl tax
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A: Stored in photoLab® S6, S12, photoLab® 6000/7000 Series and photoLab® Spectral
B: Stored in photoLab® S12, photoLab® 6000/7000 Series and photoLab® Spectral
C: Stored in photoFlex® STD, photoFlex® pH and photoFlex® Turb
D: Stored in photoLab® 6000/7000 series

Reagent-free tests:
COD, Nitrate, Nitrite optical reagent-free measurement in sewage plant outlets
Cu - copper plating bath, 690nm, 820nm - copper plating bath - B
CrO3 - chromium plating bath - chromium plating bath - B
Ni - nickel plating bath - nickel plating bath - B
HZ - Hazen colour - Hazen colour - B
IFZ - iodine number, 340nm, 455nm - iodine number - B
m-1 (DFZ) - colouring - FB445 - B, C
m-1 (DFZ) - colouring - FB525 - A, C
m-1 (DFZ) - colouring - FB620 - B, C
FAU - turbidity 620 - T620 - B
E - extinction - extinction - A, B, C
SAK - Spectral absorption coefficient at 254 and 436nm photoLab® 6100 VIS (436nm) and photoLab® 6600 UV-VIS (254/436nm)

Further tests and checking aids like standards and reagent solutions for the instruments on demand, range information is based on max. range and can also be smaller for photoFlex®.

All stored test sets for the photoLab
® and photoFlex® photometers can be found in our online shop.
Ordering information for all the articles described above and for other articles can be found online.
Products specifications
Attribute nameAttribute value
DescriptionSulfite, SO<sub>3</sub>
No. of<br>deter-<br>minations25
Measuring <br>range<br><br>mg / l1.0 - 20.0
Manufacturer Article Number250416